Community Outreach
APD Father's Day

June 2021
Oakland Pharmacy, along with other community partners, assisted with providing Father's Day gifts to the men of the Albany Police Department (Uniform Bureau). These men were excited to receive their Father's Day gifts.
Children's Pharmacy Awareness

July 16, 2021
Oakland Pharmacy conducted a children's pharmacy awareness meet-and-greet. We handed out pharmacy coloring pages, bubbles, treat boxes, and brochures for a 2-hour session at a local daycare.
1st Annual Jeanette Henderson Scholarship Banquet

August 2021
Oakland Pharmacy sponsored 50 swag bags for the 1st Annual Jeanette Henderson Scholarship Banquet hosted by the Albany Housing Authority.
Drive-Thru Back to School Supplies

August 2021
Oakland Pharmacy assisted with providing essential schools supplies to the Drive-Thru Back to School event.
Her Lifestyle

August 28, 2021
Oakland pharmacy contributed to Her Lifestyle, an inspirational, motivational, & healthy women's lifestyle event. By sponsoring this event we helped bring together women of all ages. Keeping the body healthy, keeping up personal hygiene, connecting people with various skills & more importantly letting so many potential customers know about what you have to offer via FB Livestream & word of mouth, was discussed.
Pink Out the Parking Lot

October 24, 2021
Oakland Pharmacy hosted the inaugural Pink Out The Parking Lot event to raise awareness and support for breast cancer. Donations were made to The Pink Heals Fire Truck in Tifton, GA, brochures and information pamphlets given out, as well as treat bags, refreshment and information on mammograms and screening locations. This will now be a yearly event.
Building Unity in the Community Golf Event

October 29, 2021
Oakland Pharmacy sponsored 2 door prizes for the annual Building Unity in the Community golf event. Law enforcement officers and civilians from all over the State of Georgia to participate in a friendly golfing competition.
Chehaw Park - Boo at the Zoo

October 30, 2021
Oakland Pharmacy hosted a booth at Chehaw Park and Zoo for the annual Boo at the Zoo. We provided candy and treats to the more than 1,200 visitors who came and participated in the event. The children and parents loved the photo opportunity in their costumes.
Albany-Dougherty Youth Unit Thanksgiving Baskets

November 2021
Oakland Pharmacy assisted the Albany- Dougherty Youth Unit with filling Thanksgiving baskets for 50 families. The baskets consisted of various Thanksgiving-related food items and fixings.
APD Christmas Luncheon

December 2021
Albany Police Department hosted their annual Christmas luncheon. Oakland Pharmacy was one of the sponsors who donated a door prize for this event.
Girl Scout Valentine Treat Bags

February 2022
Oakland Pharmacy donated 10 Valentine treat bags to Girl Scout Troop 40551. These girls were super excited. The bag consisted of candy, pencils, notebooks, sanitize wipes, and other items.
2 Scoops & AÂ Dog

February 2022
Oakland Pharmacy donated water, canned goods, frozen foods, and a small monetary gift to Mrs. Nikki Williams of 2 Scoops & A Dog, to assist her in her 52 Weeks mission to feed the homeless and needy a hot nutritious meal each Sunday.
Local College Scholarships

February 2022
Oakland Pharmacy is sponsoring 4 scholarships (1 per county) to a graduating high-school senior from Lee, Dougherty, Terrell, and Worth counties. We have coordinated with the school counselors to submit the scholarship applications and make the resource available to the students. We are very much looking forward to reviewing the submissions and assisting the students to prepare for the next step in the education journey as much as we can.
Pharmily Pal-entines
February 14, 2022
Oakland Pharmacy did a dual postcard campaign as a heart-health reminder for Heart month and Valentine's day, letting the Oakland Pharmily know that we heart them and let's make healthful choices to ensure the beat goes on. We sent these reminders out to our Pal-entines.